How To Lose Belly Fat – Celebrity Tips For Blasting Belly Fat

How To Lose Belly Fat – Celebrity Tips For Blasting Belly Fat
Belly fat, yeah it sucks. Let’s face it, a spare tire is good in the trunk of our car. Around our middle? Not so good. These days everyone wants to know how to lose belly fat, unless of course you are amongst the fortunate few. As so often we tend to do we are turning to celebrities for advice. Celebrities know everything. Or at least it would appear that way. So why not turn to celebrities for sound advice on how to lose belly fat?

One such celebrity, Montel Williams, is touting the benefits of Safslim. He claims to have lost two inches from his waste with very minimal effort using this revolutionary new product. Safslim utilizes a high-linoleic safflower oil to aid in the burning of belly fat. Montel Williams is currently the active spokesperson for Safslim. He claims to have loved it so much he reached out to them to promote it for them. I however, did not hear about this product from Montel.

Working out late one night in the gym i ran into a couple of ladies I see there regularly. We had been missing each other lately and had some catching up to do. We had both lost tons of weight. We began chatting it up and that’s when she told me she had lost 6 inches from her belly using a product she saw on Dr. Oz. She and her friend proceeded to rave about Safslim, which up until that point I had never heard of. Well needless to say I ordered some as soon as I got back to my apartment.

Montel Williams may not be the best example of belly fat loss. I have never seen any belly fat around his middle. And it seems to me he’ll pretty much lend his name to anything. So I decided to see what Dr. Oz had to say about it. Well turns out Dr. Oz didn’t specifically promote Safslim. He did state however, that safflower oil and or omega 3 and omega 6 could be beneficial in burning belly fat. He also recommended olive oil although i don’t think i want to down a tablespoon full of that. Dr. Oz concluded by stating that he himself would try safflower oil in the form of sunflower seeds. He also recommended trying it for 3 months. Which is also what the folks over at Re-Body (the makers of Safslim) recommend. In fact they recommend a minimum of 12 weeks and optimally 16 weeks.

How To Lose Belly Fat as Recommended by Re-Body

  • Take 1 tablespoon of Safslim twice a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Follow a diet low in sugar and transfat.
  • Maintain a healthy exercise routine.

Follow the program for a minimum of 12 weeks.

I myself have committed to trying this for 12 weeks and if I love my results will go the extra four weeks. I already have 4 weeks under my belt. That belt is 1/2 inch looser in case you are wondering. I’ll be sure to follow up with you guys as I move closer to my goals.

One thing to keep in mind Safslim is not for weightloss. It is primarily for the loss of belly fat. If you visit their site you will see some success stories photos. Some people have lost weight as well as inches and some people lost little to no weight while still losing inches.

PS. Don’t you just love how the woman in the photo above is trying to pretend she has belly fat?